Visiting Kosodate-ship (Ofunato & Rikuzentakata, Iwate pref.)

 Full of energy! 8 months old.

Report on mothers who we visited.

In May, with the great weather we had, we were able to visit five different temporary housing sites. Every site was rather quiet and we hardly ever saw people spending time outside of the housing. However, as we visited house after house wondering weather we would ever find any babies or children in these sites, we finally met a baby who was just 22 days old! We were very happy.

Even with a totally unexpected visit by us, the mother of the baby was so happy about our visit as she was worried about the baby's jaundice. We were also able to meet a grandmother who's daughter (with a baby) was out at the time of our visit and we also just happened to pass by some other mothers (outside the housing), hence we were able to give out some aid goods as well as tell them about our workshops and to invite them to come to the next session.

 Only 22 days old.

In another gathering place, where we held our workshop, a lady who is 8 months into her pregnancy and three mothers with babies aged between seven months to three years old gathered. We weighed the babies, and had lovely time singing songs together and chatting together.

We will continue to visit every home with our "Kosodate-ship Van" and be a support for the parents, so that they will feel happier after our visit and be glad to have had a chance to talk with us.

Midwife, Hiroko Watanabe.

 Visiting with "Kosodate-ship van"

 Mums together.